Background Screening and Applicant Qualification
Thorough background screening
Effective background screening of potential hires helps to ensure that the employees you are hiring are qualified, honest, and nonviolent. Recent changes in the law can make background checking that complies with the law confusing and difficult. Background screening can include social security number verification, criminal background checks, education verification, employment verification, reference checking, and credit checks. We will design a program to provide you the peace of mind that you are hiring smart and safely at a price that fits your needs.
Assessment testing and aptitude testing that measure what you need to know
Often unsure what you are getting when you hire? We can assess the knowledge and skill level of a potential hire before you make the decision. Our assessments include personality and fit testing as well as basic skills assessments from computer and software aptitude, to sales ability, to customer service skills, to basic vocational/industrial skills. We can also help you create your own workplace based skill assessment.